The OFF-GRID Expo + Conference (OEC) in Augsburg is the only neutral congress trade fair in Europe for technologies for off-grid energy supply and utilisation. The practice-orientated format consisting of an English-speaking conference, trade fair and community networking event takes place every two years. Next edition on October 30 – 31, 2025 plus TechDay on october 29, 2025. In particular, the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of affordable and clean energy (SDG 7) and access to clean drinking water (SDG 6), economic growth (SDG 8), sustainable consumption (SDG 12) and climate protection (SDG 13) are the focus here.
The platform enables an active and interactive exchange with competent discussion partners, new ideas and fresh impetus on the topics of decentralised energy supply and use. This portfolio is represented in the exhibition:
✓ Biogas
✓ Bioenergy
✓ Geothermal
✓ Hydropower
✓ Photovoltaic
✓ Solarthermal
✓ Small Windenergy
✓ Cold Storage
✓ Energy Storage Heat
✓ Energy Storage Electricity
✓ Energy Storage Salt
✓ Fuel cells
✓ Hydrogen Storage
✓ Back-Up
✓ Maintenance
✓ Micro-Girds
✓ Mini-Girds
✓ Monitoring
✓ Software
✓ Stand-Alone
✓ Agri PV
✓ Cooling
✓ Commercial & Industry
✓ Desalination / Drinking water
✓ Pumping
✓ E-mobility
✓ Entertainmemnt / Communication
✓ Institutions (Health, education...)
✓ Lighting
✓ Financial Support
✓ Public & private investors
✓ Pay-as-you-xx
✓ Crowdfunding
✓ Carbon Credits
✓ Bitcoins
✓ Planing
✓ Project control
✓ System design
✓ Stakeholder-Involvement
✓ NGOs
✓ Public Organisations
✓ Institutes
✓ Research
✓ Training
✓ Universities
✓ Recycling technologies
✓ Recycling processes
✓ Second-life Cycles (Batteries, Pvs, ...)
✓ Logistics
✓ Packaging regulations
✓ Consulting
✓ Supply chain law
With the conference partner Alliance for Rural Electrification (ARE) and the support of institutions such as the German African Business Association, German Water Partnership and the Reiner Lemoine Institute, an interdisciplinary programme with renowned experts is being created.
Education and trainingServices
(Installers, planners, engineering firms, architects, energy consultants, financing, funding, insurance companies) Energy supply, energy trade Buildings / architecture / construction planning Wholesale trade / online trade Installers, electrical engineeringAid organisations / NGOs Industry Agriculture and forestry Rural electrification Mini-grids / micro-grids / pico-grids Mobility
(Caravan, marine, special vehicle and other mobility outfitters) Public administration
(Offices, authorities, ministries, municipalities, embassies) Furnishing public institutions
(e.g. hospitals) Outdoor activities Tourism
(Holiday lodge companies, caravans) Associations, clubs, institutions Water pumping and preparation Science, research, development
You can find more images of the trade fair here.
Save the Date!!!
October 29, 2025 Product Trainings
October 30 and 31, 2025 Expo + Conference
Opening hours of the exhibition, the conference and the TechDay as well as latest information about the event here.
Buy your ticket online: You can find prices and tickets for OEC Conference + Expo 2023 here.
Do you have questions, suggestions or need an individual offer? We are happy to help you.